- The Trilateral Commission and Global Governance. Informal Elite Diplomacy, 1972-1982. New York: Routledge, 2016.
- The Trilateral Commission. The Global Dawn of Informal Elite Governance and Diplomacy, 1972-1982, Unpublished PhD Thesis. Copenhagen: Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, 2013.
- Amerikaniseringen af dansk fagbevægelse. Marshallhjælp, kold krig og transatlantiske forbindelser, 1945-1956. Copenhagen:Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2012. [The Americanization of the Danish Trade Union Movement. The Marshall Aid, Cold War and the Transatlantic Relations, 1945-1956]
- Fra Pilestræde til Avedøre Holme. Historien om pakkeriarbejderne i Det Berlingske Hus, 1930-2008. Copenhagen: Eget tryk, 2010. [From Pilestræde to Avedøre Holme. The History of the Packer Workers in the Berlingske House, 1930-2008]
- Marshall-planen og dansk fagbevægelse. Transatlantiske forbindelser i begyndelsen af den kolde krig, 1945-1956. Upubliceret specialeafhandling. København: Københavns Universitet, 2008. 105 p. [The Marshall Plan and the Danish Trade Union Movement. Transatlantic Connections in the beginning of the Cold War, 1945-1956].
Edited Works
- Knudsen og Morten Rasmussen. Europamestrene. Fodbold – nation – identitet. København: Turbine, 2016. 343 p. [The European Champions. Football – Nation – Identity].
- Knudsen Haakon A. Ikonomou. New Diplomatic History. An Introduction. København: Det Humanistiske Fakultet, 2015.
- Øjenvidner til besættelsen. Danskere beretter om hverdag og krig 1940-1945 (Haase & Søn, 2011). 868 p. [Eyewitness to the Occupation. Danish Accounts of War and Everyday Life 1940-1945]
Articles and Book Chapters
- Commission of the Churches on International Affairs,” in Alberto Melloni (ed.). Ecumenism in the Churches, 19-21 Century. A History of the Desire for Christian Unity. Leiden: Brill/Il Mulino/Kohlhammer, 2025.
- “The Trilateral Commission: An extension of Western elites, an avenue for the recalibration of East-West relations and the management of global interdependence”, in Marton, Thomasen, Békés and Rácz (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Non-State Actors in East-West Relations. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2024:379-392.
- “David Rockefeller in Beijing. The Informal Diplomacy of the Trilateral Commission in ‘the long 1970s’”, in Ramus Mariager, Helle Porsdam and Poul Villaume (eds.): The Long 1970s. New Perspectives on the Epoch-Making Decade: Human Rights, East-West Détente, Transnational Diplomacy. London:Routledge, 2016: 221-238.
- “Sådan bliver vi igen Europamestre: Bidrag til Den Røde Tråd version 2.0”, i Knudsen og Rasmussen. Europamestrene. København: Turbine, 2016: 291-331 [How Do We Become European Champions Again? A Contribution to Version 2.0 of the Danish Development Work in Football].
- “The Nordic Trade Union Movement and Transnational Anti-Communist Networks in the Early Cold War”, in Luc van Dongen, Stéphanie Roulin and Giles Scott-Smith (eds.): Cold War Anticommunism: Agents, Actions and Networks in a Transnational Approach (Pelgrave, 2014): 35-49.
- ”Øst, Vest, hjemme bedst? Danske fagforeningsfolk på (koldkrigs) rejse i USA”, i Carsten Due-Nielsen, Rasmus Mariager og Regin Schmidt (red.): Nye fronter i Den Kolde Krig, festskrift til Poul Villaume (Gyldendal, 2010): 131-155 [“East, West, is Home the Best? Danish Trade Union Activists on (Cold War) Visits to the United States”, in Nielsen, Mariager and Schmidt (eds.): New Cold War Fronts].
- ”Dansk fagbevægelse i blokopdelingens tegn. Kold krig i den internationale fagbevægelse, 1945-1949”, Arbejderhistorie nr. 1, Årg. 2009: 16-32 [The Danish Trade Union Movement Between East and West. Cold War in the International Trade Union Movement, 1945-1949].
Miscellaneous (Academic)
- Review of Nils Arne Sørensen, “Amerikanisering” 1951, Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 124, No. 1, 2024: 281-84.
- Review of Thomas Gijswijt, “Informal Alliance. The Bilderberg Group and Transatlantic Relations During the Cold War, 1952-1968”, Diplomatica – A Journal of Diplomacy and Society, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (2020): 163-66.
- “Authors response”, H-Diplo Roundtable XIX, 30 on The Trilateral Commission and Global Governance: Informal Elite Diplomacy, 1972-82, in H-Diplo, H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online, April 6, 2018:
- “Europas bedste fodboldlandshold”, introduktion i Knudsen og Rasmussen. Europamestrene. Fodbold – nation – identitet. Copenhagen: Turbine, 2016: 7-16 [The best in Europe, introduction].
- “New Diplomatic History, A Short Introduction”, i Knudsen og Ikonomou. New Diplomatic History. An Introduction. Copenhagen: Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, 2015: 5-15.
- Review of Regin Schmidt, ”Den perfekte præsident. En biografi om John F. Kennedy”, Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 114, Nr. 2, 2014: 630-640 [“The perfect president. A biography of John F. Kennedy”].
- Den kolde krig i Danmark”, replik til Klaus Petersens anmeldelse, TEMP nr. 7, 2013: 179-180 [The Cold War in Denmark, a reply to a review by Klaus Petersen, TEMP no. 7, 2013].
- Medforfatter til opslaget ”Fagbevægelsen” i leksikonet Den kolde krig og Danmark. København: Gads Forlag, 2011: 228-230 [Co-author of the entry “The trade union”, in the encylopdia Denmark and the Cold War].
- ”Preface” to Knudsen. Øjenvidne til besættelsen. Danskere beretter om hverdag og krig, 1940-1945. København: Haase & Søn, 2010: 21-25 [Eyewitness to the Occupation. Danish Accounts of War and Everyday Life 1940-1945].
- ”Efterskrift” til Mikael Nyberg: Myten om det postindustrielle paradis (Tiderne Skifter, 2005): 432-456. [”Postscript” to Mikael Nyberg: The myth about the post-industrial paradise].